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Performance of Racket Pict Comparison, Part 2

D. Ben Knoble on 14 Sep 2024 in Blog

I eliminate “eyeball statistics” from part 1. This post is based on Chelsea Troy’s “Data Safety” series, especially Quantitative Programming Knife Skills, Part 2.

As usual, all code is available on GitHub.


In the previous post, I eyeballed distributions from box-and-whisker plots (in addition to relying on reported timings from hyperfine) to determine which method of comparing picts is faster. Today, we’ll look at addressing two limitations of that approach:

  1. How confident are we that the true mean of relevant measurements is captured by the mean of our sample distribution? We’ll compute confidence intervals for an appropriate distribution.
  2. How likely is it that the distributions actually differ for a reason other than random chance? We’ll use statistical tests to measure the probability of difference being attributable to random chance (the “null hypothesis”).

First, though, we’ve got to talk about distributions.


We have (by computation) a mean and standard deviation for various facets of our data. We have enough data that assuming a normal distribution is not unreasonable; let’s take a look. For the time benchmark data, the following code

(require sawzall

(define (v-μ xs)
  (exact->inexact (mean (vector->list xs))))

(define (v-σ xs)
  (stddev (vector->list xs)))

(define t-short (df-read/csv "time.csv"))

(~> t-short
    (group-with "bench")
    (aggregate [cpu-μ (cpu) (v-μ cpu)]
               [cpu-σ (cpu) (v-σ cpu)]
               [real-μ (real) (v-μ real)]
               [real-σ (real) (v-σ real)]
               [gc-μ (gc) (v-μ gc)]
               [gc-σ (gc) (v-σ gc)])
    (show everything))


data-frame: 2 rows x 7 columns
│cpu-σ             │bench    │real-μ            │real-σ            │cpu-μ            │gc-σ               │gc-μ                │
│1.477002129744432 │bytes    │4.225773195876289 │1.4978411739022484│4.175601374570447│0.15933274204104092│0.006529209621993127│
│1.1370657205199777│record-dc│2.0853951890034366│1.148475651239016 │2.05893470790378 │0.16564821501258256│0.007216494845360825│

Let’s plot these (code):

CPU time normal distributions Real time normal distributions GC time normal distributions

By now you might have realized that negative times don’t make sense… this suggests the normal distribution is not an appropriate distribution for comparison. It appears that the exponential or Weibull distributions might model this process better, but for now we’ll continue taking timings and memory usage to be normally distributed for simplification.

Here are the equivalent values and plots for memory (all in MiB):

data-frame: 2 rows x 3 columns
│memory-σ           │memory-μ          │bench    │
│0.22898033579570978│0.6772037663410619│bytes    │

Memory normal distributions in MiB

Confidence Intervals

To compute a confidence interval, we’ll take the distributions to be t-distributed and compute properties of the t-statistic (for \(\alpha = 0.05\), a 95% confidence interval). This interval tells us where the true mean falls with 95% probability.

Let’s use a critical value of 1.96, which corresponds to an assumption that the distributions are normal (given our large sample size, the t-distribution is close to normal) and a 95% confidence interval. The formula (letting \(s\) be the sample standard deviation, \(\bar{x}\) the sample mean, and \(N\) the number of samples) is

\[\bar{x} \pm 1.96 \frac{s}{N}\]

Here are the low and high offsets of the intervals for memory and time:

The plots are zoomed in because the intervals are so narrow thanks to our high number of samples. We can be very confident that our sample means are close to the true mean.

Statistical tests

We want to compare the memory distributions across both benchmarks, and each of the real, cpu, and gc times across both benchmarks. We’ll use the welch-t-test function from the t-test library1, since we can’t assume the variances are equal (though eyeball statistics suggests that gc variance is, which is sensible since most gc times are 0).

The code to compute a t-test for memory distributions is short:

(require threading

(define m
  (~> "memory.csv" df-read/csv
      (create [memory (memory) (/ memory (expt 2 20))])))

 (~> m
     (split-with "bench")
     (map (λ (df)
            (~> df
                (slice ["memory"])
                (df-select "memory")))

The result for a p-value of \(0.01\) is \(1.53 \times 10^{-187}\). That is, we can be extremely confident that the distributions have different means: we reject the null hypothesis that the distributions have the same mean as the likelihood of this sample occurring given said hypothesis is nearly 0.

Of note, this test suggests the distributions are different despite having close means: the difference between the means (0.12854665775888974) is 23.42% of the smaller of the two means and 18.98% of the larger.

The code for time distributions is parameterized on the column:

(require threading

(define t (df-read/csv "time.csv"))

(for/list ([column '("cpu" "real" "gc")])
  (list column
         (~> t
             (slice (all-in (list "bench" column)))
             (split-with "bench")
             (map (λ (df)
                    (~> df
                        (slice column)
                        (df-select column)))

The results (again with p-value \(0.01\)):

I’m actually shocked that the procedure produced an (inexact) 0, and I checked the data being fed in. I can’t explain the result beyond gesturing at floating point math; there’s no statistical realm where we accept that this occurrence is impossible. For now, I’ll content myself with supposing that the calculation produces such a small number that even Racket can’t keep up, and reject the null hypothesis for CPU and real times (there is a statistically meaningful difference in the time the two procedures take).

For GC times, of course, there is insufficient evidence to reject the null hypothesis as expected. Most GC times are 0! It’s reasonably more likely that the underlying distributions are actually the same one.


I feel justified in my choice of method based on the data from last time and satisfied that I’m not relying entirely on eyeball statistics. The lack of explanation for \(0.0\) is dissatisfying…


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